It's pleasant to be able to read friends' blogs, again, to really know what's buried deep down their heart. I mentioned 'again' because for a reason I lost all the blog links I used to have after I re-designed my blog. Well, after the creation of social medias like Twitter and Facebook where most of the people can express their emotions simply, I guess most of us are not really fond of writing blog anymore. Most blogs are deleted, while some never updated since-don't-know-when. BUT SOME DO, especially when certain things are too sensitive to express publicly. Or when you want to write something that makes you so vulnerable but do not wish to be humiliated by "likes" from not-so-close-friends because they may not understand what you're trying to make understood explicitly.
I myself abandoned my blog for quite some times. It's pathetic to learn that I only remembered I've owned such a private place once I felt empty. Many think the blog is dead, for once I believed it too. I'd tried to make a come back once in a blue moon, but sad to say it was always counter-productive. Lack of ideas, lack of attention and lack of concentration I should say.
What I'm trying to make a point here is, my blog is not private at all. It's just people that have forgotten its existence that makes it private. I might consider to put the blog's link on my twitter one day, after I felt comfortable about it. I'M NOT TRYING TO PROMOTE MY BLOG. For once I thought the real motivation of writing a blog was to have a bunch of readers, but now no more. This is my space, I write what I like. Even though sometimes I still felt nice if someone would generously give their comments, or just as simple as read it. The feeling was like, SOMEONE MADE AN EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND YOU, YOU'RE NOT ALONE.
Or perhaps I should just make it as private as it is. Nothing is changing, the only reader is self.
Struggling, struggled to make my thought clear.
Never mind, I'm simply confused. I'm not an attention-seeker, but I still need attention at times.
Judge me like I care.
writing is a beautiful art and it shall not perish. so keep writing my friend :)